Providing specialist trauma informed support to professionals with clients who have experienced grief and trauma arising from things like suicide, homicide and abuse
Supporting people with extreme trauma can be difficult. Clinicians may not understand the continuum of trauma informed practice, and can wrestle to identify the right service delivery model. Beyond that, without lived experience, it can be difficult to know what would be actually useful advice to give. Clinicians can also report feeling vicariously traumatised by the situations being processed by their clients.
The more trauma informed we are, the better quality care we can provide to people.
I’ve earned a Bachelor of Social Work with first class honours and a PhD in International Health. With 25 years of practical experience across health, justice and community services, I provide dynamic specialist supervision, motivation and education to professionals supporting clients who’ve experienced extreme trauma (including homicide).
We lead by being human.
Paul Hawken, the Heart of Coaching!

Specialist trauma informed professional supervision
Supporting a person who has undergone extreme trauma requires specialised knowledge and care. It can also take a toll on the care provider.
Specialist trauma informed professional supervision supports clinicians to practice reflexively by exploring the practice, administration, support and educational dimensions of their work, maximising outcomes for their clients while also minimising clinician stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and/or vicarious trauma.
This offering is delivered in 45 minute sessions online, unless by special arrangement.
AASW standard rates apply.
Specialist trauma informed professional supervision supports clinicians through:
Guided critical reflection on workplace practices and experiences;
Opportunities for shared problem solving;
Identification of treatment and referral pathways; and
Development of skills and knowledge to grow professional competence, confidence, personal resilience and well-being.
Counsellors, social workers, nurses, first responders, clergy, support workers and professional carers working with trauma survivors.
Workshop: advanced theory and practice skills for clinicians
Professionals who work with people experiencing trauma must be highly informed, and effective at assessing and responding to the needs of their clients.
This full day workshop (delivered in person or online) explores the advanced knowledge and skills required to provide exemplary care for people with complex and extreme trauma experiences.
The workshop expands on the basic principles of Trauma Informed Care, develops essential skills for supporting people in trauma informed ways, and guides participants to develop models specific to their client group.
Participants will leave this workshop with:
An understanding of the contemporary understandings of what it means to be trauma informed.
Insight into the models and theories that can be used to assess and inform professional practice with people who have been traumatised.
A collection of advanced practice tips for establishing and maintaining meaningful therapeutic relationships with traumatised people.
All professionals working with people who are experiencing trauma including counsellors, social workers, nurses, first responders, clergy, professional carers and those working within allied health, mental health, child protection and criminal justice systems.
Professional mentoring
The unique workplace stressors of working with people experiencing trauma can lead to professionals becoming reactive, withdrawn, overwhelmed and/or unable to clearly express their needs in the workplace.
For those who are experiencing stress, burnout, compassion fatigue or potentially vicarious trauma, I provide 45 minute, online mentoring sessions, in which I use my knowledge, skills and/or personal experiences to support you to develop and grow in relation to the specific workplace stressors we identify.
Participants are supported to expand their knowledge, develop new skills and establish high quality resources to enhance work-related outcomes.
Clinicians who want to better their workplace outcomes and professional selves, and may include: counsellors, social workers, nurses, first responders, clergy, support workers and, professional carers.
Professional coaching
Are you:
Wanting more from your career?
Experiencing set backs?
Struggling with problematic working relationships?
Unable to achieve your goals?
Being passed over for promotions and higher duties?
Lacking confidence?
For those seeking more from their professional lives, I provide 45 minute coaching sessions online, where we establish your goals and work towards achieving them and unlocking your full potential.
Participants are guided to:
Reflect on current goals and areas for development;
Develop new skills and strategies to achieve goals; and
Find capabilities within themselves to realise their full potential.
Professionals who want to better their workplace outcomes and professional selves.
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